Sunday 15 July 2012

24 Hour Tweetathon

15 mins to go!:

The nerves are starting to set in now but mixed with excitement! I'm not expecting to get any donations during the tweetathon but I plan to use it to get the word out about the film and get more interest. Feeling a bit tired because i have been up for 5 hours getting things ready so have made myself an extra strong coffee to wake up a bit and will have another one if i feel myself getting sleepy during the tweetathon. Going to get everything set up and ready to kick off at 5!

Hour 1:

its only an hour in to the tweetathon and we have already had a donation of $20! really wasn't expecting a donation so soon! 30 tweets in an hour must be working!

Hour 2:

No donations this hour but the support I am receiving with tweets and retweets is great! The only problem is I feel i tweeted too much in the first hour and starting to run out of things to say without repeating myself but I guess thats what a tweetathon is constantly repeating yourself to get the word out to different people over the world!

Hour 3:

Still no donations but still getting great support. Feeling like the extra strong coffee earlier is starting to kick in now, either that or its the excitement of the tweetathon! My paypal app on my phone notifies me when I get a payment the only problem is it keeps going off since my last donation so I keep getting excited that I have had another donation then when I check I haven't! Even if I end the tweetathon still on $20 its still an extra $20 on the grand total for the film!

Hour 4:

Still not had another donation but feel like my tweets have slowed down in the past 3 hours. I have managed not to repeat myself yet though but may start soon because judging by posts on my time line t looks like I have had a new audience join me. Still feeling optimistic about the tweetathon and I haven't had any more notifications from paypal confusing me!

Hour 5:

Things are still slow and starting to feel tired now so I think I might have to go for some fresh air and get another coffee or energy drink to wake up a bit.

Hour 6:

Things still seem slow with no donations since hour 1. Judging by my twitter timeline there seems to be alot of people fundraising for their film tonight so I am trying to use it to my advantage by getting ideas for tweets as well as seeing how I can be different with tweets to try and get noticed.

Hour 7:

We have had our second donation of $20! that brings the total for the tweetathon up to $40! and we have reached the half way mark of our goal! I really wasn't expecting this much support for the film and didn't expect any donations during the tweetathon!

Hour 8:

It's now 1am and feeling slightly tired but still have an energy drink on the go so hopefully will wake up a bit soon! My twitter time line seems to have gone a bit quiet I think people have started to go to bed so it feels a bit like I'm talking to myself but even if I am maybe someone on the other side of the world will be logging on to twitter and might see my tweets!

Hour 9:

Still no donations but have been having a couple of discussions about film making which is keeping me company as well as keeping me alert! I am also starting to get some more retweets from my followers which is helping to get the word out on the film!

Hour 10:

It seems like my film has sparked some good discussions on twitter and have also had 2 actresses interested in auditioning for the film! I have also had one of my tweets feature on here which from what I can gather is its a collection of tweets relating to film making so hopefully that will bring more interest to the fundraising page. I'm no longer feeling tired but I am feeling slightly sick from the caffeine drink earlier so might lay off that for a bit!

Hour 11:

Nearly half way through the tweetathon! still no donations and things seem to have gone very quiet on twitter but then again it is 4am uk time! I can hear my bed calling me! I suffer from insomnia any way but this is usually the time I go to bed. I'm not feeling tired but I went in to the bedroom earlier to get m dressing gown as was feeling chilly and was very tempted to wrap myself up in bed! Have laid off the caffeine for now as my stomach is still feeling a bit sick from earlier. If my neighbours were to look out the window and see me stood by the front door looking in to the sky they must think I'm mad! but it helps to wake me up!

Hour 12:

12 hours down! 12 hours to go! things are very quiet on twitter but think that things will get busy again in a couple of hours when everyone is waking up again. Just had a bowl of cereal and some milk to see if that helps my stomach settle a bit fingers crossed it does! I still feel like I am constantly repeating myself through the tweets but I guess with tweetathons and fundraising you have to repeat yourself in the hopes that the message will be read by a supporter eventually.

Hour 13:
Feeling very lonely now! no one to talk to as everyone is in bed asleep which is where I should be! My time line is very quiet and starting to feel like I'm talking to myself! My tweeting has slowed down due to my time line being quiet but have had the odd tweet of support!

Hour 14:
My eyes are starting to feel very heavy now! It's starting to feel like my body isn't going to let me get through the next 10 hours but trying so hard to push through the tiredness. The good news is my stomach has finally settled so maybe its time for another strong coffee! Starting to feel like I'm the narrator of big brother! "Hour 14 in the 24 hour tweetathon and Racheal has started to go crazy!" Ok enough of my mentalness time to see if anyone is awake on twitter!

Hour 15:

Things are starting to pick up a bit now looks like people are starting to wake up! Had some interested in a film I worked on in wales and also interested in The Conspiracy Effect! now its time to take a short break to get some breakfast and fuel up and wake up!   

Hour 16:

All fed and watered now! I did start to wake up a bit but now my eyes are getting heavy again! I'm trying to fight the tiredness but at the minute it feels like tiredness is winning!   

Hour 17:

I have officially been awake for 24 hours now! Just like filmmaking you learn from your mistakes as I am learning  from this tweetathon! At least next time I know to start the tweetathon when I wake up not 7 hours later! still no donations and due to the tiredness my tweets have slowed right down! I have now resulted to repeating old tweets because my brain is struggling to think of new things to say. I have never wanted my bed so much in my life!

Hour 18:

It's been a slow hour! no donation not many retweets and time seems to be dragging! My timeline still seems very quiet I think people must be enjoying the nice weather!

Hour 19:

I am starting to get a headache from tiredness now eyes are still heavy and things are still very quiet but nearly on the home stretch! the thing thats keeping me going at the minute is its only 5 hours till bedtime!

Hour 20:

4 hours to go!!!! I'm awake but it feels like my body has given up! I ache all over and feel like I have a hangover! still not had a donation in 14 hours and my tweets have still slowed down but I'm still trying to push through and seem positive about things but I'm still happy that through this tweetathon we have reached the half way mark towards our final goal!

Hour 21:

Things have started to look up again! Have had the campaign page added to a female filmmakers group and have also been contacted by a follower who is interestd in helping with the film and also being the film and is going to take a look at his finances at the end of the month and try to donate to the film. Feeling awake again and planning on concentrating on tweeting a bit more now I feel like I have more energy now.

Hour 22:

2 hours to go! and donations have completely dried up! the total is still at $40 and now only gettting the odd retweet but have managed to pick up on the amount I am tweeting.

Hour 23:

Last hour!!! donations have completely dried up but aiming to keeping pushing in the last hour and tweet as much as I can to try and get one last backer!


In the last hour especially the last half hour I didn't stop tweeting I was tweeting so much in the last 5 mins I was in fear of being put in twitter jail! I didn;t get any more backers but I am very happy with the $40 raised during the tweetathon considering I wasn't expecting any donations when I started this 24 hours ago! I apologise for any spelling mistakes or un readable words but my eyes are extremely heavy and im starting to get a headache from staring at the computer screen constantly for 24 hours! now its time for bed which has been shouting at me for the past 12 hours! good night!

Friday 13 July 2012

Fundraising: Day 7

We have had another donation!!!! one of our followers on twitter has donated $50 and also sent a very sweet message saying that she has been inspired to pick up her screenplay again! It feels so great to be able to inspire someone after being inspired myself by Indywoods crowdfunding journey on twitter which i have been following for the past 2 years and have also donated to. So with our new donation that takes our total up to $211 with 98 days till the campaign ends. I am slowly working on a website for the company and film where people can donate via paypal without having time limits and plan to have it up and running by the end of this campaign. This weekend I plan on doing our first tweetathon which I will be starting small at 24 hours and see how it goes (it may go on longer depending on how my body feels after no sleep for 24 hours) Tonight as well as promoting the film on twitter and facebook I will also be promoting the tweetathon to get peoples interest. I was starting to think that we wouldn't receive anymore donations till the end of the campaign but now ith the new backer it has made me feel more positive about the campaign again.

Monday 2 July 2012

Fundraising: Day 6

So we have 106 days left on our campaign on Indiegogo and still have had no donations in 12 days!
To help with the campaign i filmed, edited and uploaded a campaign video talking about the film and what we plan to do with the money raised. In the video I used imagery of what I imagine for the locations for the film.
I'm hoping that now the campaign page has a video uploaded to it it will help with donations but only time will tell!
check out the video here

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Fundraising: Day 5

Fundraising is still slow, still no donations in a week. Not had a chance to fund raise for the last couple due to other commitments. As well as constantly tweeting about the film and films link I have been looking at other ways to get donations or to get the word out. While looking at tips and hints on crowdfunding I found some information about how fund raising can slow down during the middle of the campaign so feel that has put my mind at rest knowing I'm not the only campaign that has slowed to what feels like a stop. One tip I found was to have a video on the campaign page to help entice donators in. Originally when I set the page up I didn't include a video because I didn't have one as wasn't sure what to include so feel that this is letting my campaign down. Today I aim to research in to other peoples campaign videos and work on my own to upload to the campaign page t see if that can help with fund raising.

As always you can keep up to date with the progress here:

Thursday 21 June 2012

Fund Raising: Day 4

So we have been fund raising for 4 days now and the first couple of days we manged to raise $161! but the last day has been slow on donations and when I say slow I mean we have had no donations! Since the fund raising page was set up I have been on Twitter and Facebook all day every day promoting the fund raising page and telling people about the great perks on offer to say thank you for donating. I am constantly trying to think up new ways to get people interested and ask as many people as i can to help promote the film by either word of mouth or re tweeting my tweets on Twitter. Today I have been trying to get more followers on Twitter as I am planning to do a small tweetathon soon to see if that helps with fund raising. I have seen a couple of people who are also fund raising for their films do tweetathons and it seems to be working for them so want to see if it can work for "The Conspiracy Effect" but for me to do this and for it to work i need to build on my followers.
I aim to keep this film 100% fan funded and build a fan base to help that which will come in time and will take a lot of long hard hours trying to get the word out which i have been doing constantly for the last few days. I have been on Twitter and facebook for nearly 24 hours a day constantly talking about the film, the fund raising page and all our perks we have on offer.
With the money raised I aim to use it for equipment which will allow us to film a trailer for the final short which will allow us to get more interest in the film. I aim to do more fund raising in the future to help more with the final film but as this is the first time fund raising I wanted to keep the amount small and look at it as a trial and error and learn from mistakes so when we come to fund raise again we know what works.
Even though its only been 4 days and there's still another 117 days to go on the Indiegogo page it's already looking as though it could be a long while till we get another donation. I think this is due to how the first day went where we got 2 big donations and then it slowly slowed down even though I have been promoting the film constantly and as much as I can, but I have received a lot of support and help from friends on Twitter who have been helping to promote the film to their followers and also by re tweeting our tweets.
Whilst promoting the project I have also been using the time to work on the script and to finalise it ready for casting.

Keep up to date with the fundraising and the project here:

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Black Fairy Productions are pleased to announce our upcoming film!!

The Conspiracy Effect

Set in a world where homosexuality is wrong and the government are eradicating homosexuals a group of friends find safety in each other. Set in a hospital where doctors are curing patients of their homosexual tendencies 4 friends plan to break free, but could the world outside of the hospital walls be as they imagined.

Fund raising has already started on twitter and facebook. take a look at our fund raising page on indiegogo:

great perks available and you can donate anything from $1!

follow the fundraising on
twitter: @blackfairypro
facebook: black fairy

The total currently stands at $160
We are $340 away from our total of $500

Grab a piece of film history today!

Sunday 27 May 2012

Calling all females!

I'm looking for you feminist stories!

Any rights you have been fighting for?
Any problems you have encountered?at work? In public places?

Email your stories to